Cosmetic Dental Makeover Service in Lahore
Considering a makeover? We’ll guide you and connect you with trusted experts. Choosing a cosmetic dental makeover is a major decision. Find a professional you trust for this investment.
Cosmetic treatments differ from essential or emergency care. Do thorough research for an informed choice. Our Lahore team consists of skilled and experienced cosmetic dentists.
Types of cosmetic dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry enhances teeth, mouth, and jaw appearance. It can also aid in reconstruction after accidents or injuries. Each case is unique. Whether it’s a long-standing concern or a dream smile makeover, we cater to your specific needs.
It’s best to meet with your dentist or specialist to discuss your concerns and all the options available to you. Cosmetic dentistry can involve a number of different treatments including:
- Teeth whitening
- Replacing amalgam fillings with white fillings
- Teeth straightening, with Invisalign or orthodontic treatment
- Crowns and veneers
- Implants and bridges
Benefits of cosmetic dentistry
A cosmetic dental makeover enhances teeth, smile, and appearance, boosting self-confidence and self-esteem. Multiple reasons justify considering a cosmetic makeover. Dental development, oral health, and gum disease issues can affect teeth and smile appearance, as well as the function of teeth, mouth, and jaw.
Injuries and accidents contribute as well. Damaged, broken teeth, or missing teeth can affect neighboring teeth. Living with compromised teeth and smiles before seeking a dentist or cosmetic specialist is common. Explore available options for a dental makeover.
Get prepared
When you schedule a cosmetic dental makeover at SmileOn, you’ll likely have questions about the process. It’s natural to be curious. Preparing beforehand can help your dentist or specialist understand your needs. Typically, they’ll inquire about your medical history and conduct a comprehensive examination of your mouth, teeth, gums, jaw, tongue, throat, sinuses, ears, nose, and neck. An x-ray may also be necessary.
Your dentist will ask you some questions, such as:
- What are hoping to achieve?
- What are you happy about?
- What are you unhappy about?
- What’s your biggest concern?
- How has this issue affected you?
Think about your answers to these questions before your appointment with SmileOn cosmetic dental makeover specialist. Being prepared can speed up the process.
A smile makeover is not permanent, but a smile makeover treatment can last a long time. Well, it depends on how the treatments performed and how it’s cared for dictate longevity.
Dental implants may last tens of years, veneers and crowns need to be replaced in 10–15 years. Some cosmetic dentistry services including teeth whitening will need periodic touch-ups.
Cosmetic dentists serve to correct the cosmetic look of your teeth and gums and your smile. They also do a lot of procedures like teeth restorative work, treatments of misaligned teeth and appearance like teeth whitening, reshaping and many others.
- Practice good oral hygiene habits at home including brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day
- Book hygiene visits with an oral hygienist or oral health therapist twice each year
- Book routine exam and x-rays visits with your dentist once each year.
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